
Ella’s first day of pre school..

In a triple espresso paced world, it’s hard for me to feel nostalgic about anything it seems. I’m always looking forward to the next thing, and with a newborn and an almost three year old there is no time for deep “thoughts”. But as I dropped Ella off for her first day of pre school I can’t help but want to pause time for a little and try to appreciate this moment.

 I feel so proud that Ella was more excited than scared today, happy to see that she was thoughtful but slightly shy when she met brand new buddies, and bittersweet that she didn’t need me to stay that long after getting her settled into her new classroom. The training wheels are off and I can’t help but think she was just in my arms as my baby and now she is growing up into this real person with her own personality! I don’t need time to go backwards, I love where she is and where we are as a family right now.. But geeze did we get here fast! Makes me appreciate these sleepless nights with Ethan because before I know it, he’ll be here too. 

 Life is beautiful and I am loving this adventure we call family!



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